Today is my birthday: Sadness and dreams of a happy future

Den, a sleek black dog with soulful eyes, lay quietly by the side of the road. Today marked his 3rd birthday, but there was no celebration, no joyful barks, no treats or belly rubs. Instead, Den felt an overwhelming sadness that tugged at his heart. Just a few weeks ago, he had a home, a place where he felt loved and safe. His owner, a kind man with a warm smile, used to take him on long walks and play fetch with him in the park. Den would wag his tail in excitement, feeling the bond between them grow stronger with each passing day.

But one day, everything changed. His owner had packed up a few bags, and Den noticed the change in his demeanor. The once warm smile was replaced with a distant look, and the man’s touch felt colder. Den tried to nuzzle him, hoping to bring back the warmth they once shared, but his efforts were in vain. The day his owner drove him out to the middle of nowhere, Den had no idea it would be the last time he saw the man he loved.

Den remembered the moment vividly. The car stopped, and his owner opened the door. Den jumped out, expecting another walk or a game of fetch. But when he turned around, the car door was shut, and before he could comprehend what was happening, the car sped away, leaving him alone and confused.

For days, Den waited at the spot where he was left, hoping his owner would return. He couldn’t understand why he was abandoned, why the person he trusted had left him behind. The nights were cold, and the days were long. Den’s once shiny coat became dull, and his energy faded as he searched for food and water.

Now, on his 3rd birthday, Den lay in the same spot, the loneliness weighing heavily on him. He watched as people passed by, some giving him a sympathetic glance, others not noticing him at all. He longed for the comfort of his owner’s touch, the warmth of a home, but all he had was the cold pavement and the fading memories of happier times.

As the day went on, Den closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain. But just as he was about to drift into sleep, he felt a gentle hand stroke his fur. Startled, Den looked up to see a kind woman kneeling beside him, her eyes filled with compassion. She spoke softly to him, her voice soothing his troubled heart. Without hesitation, she scooped him up into her arms, cradling him like a child.

Den didn’t know what the future held, but for the first time in weeks, he felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this would be the start of a new chapter—a chapter where he wouldn’t be alone on his birthday, where he could find love and happiness once again.
