Today is my birthday, I don’t have my mother by my side, I’m very sad

**Mia’s Lonely Birthday**

Today is my birthday. My name is Mia, and I’m just a little puppy. Normally, birthdays are supposed to be happy times, filled with joy and celebration, but today, I feel very sad. You see, I don’t have my mother by my side.

My mother was the one who always made me feel safe and loved. She had the warmest fur and the kindest eyes. Whenever I felt scared or lonely, she was always there to comfort me. But now, she’s gone, and I don’t know where she is.

This morning, I woke up hoping to see her, to feel her nuzzle me and hear her soft, reassuring barks. But as I looked around, all I saw was emptiness. The place where we used to snuggle together was cold and silent.

I miss her so much, especially today. I long for her warmth and the way she made everything feel alright. Without her, the world seems big and frightening. I can’t help but feel a deep sadness in my heart.

As I sit here, I can’t stop thinking about the times we shared. Her gentle licks, her protective presence, and the way she used to sing me to sleep with her quiet, soothing sounds. Those memories are all I have now, and they feel both comforting and heartbreaking.

Today, on my birthday, I wish for nothing more than to have my mother back by my side. I want to feel her love and know that everything will be okay. But until that happens, I will hold onto the hope that one day, I will see her again, and we will be together, just like before.
