Today is my birthday, but I haven’t received any wishes yet

Today is my birthday, but I haven’t received any wishes yet. As I sit in the corner of the shelter, I watch the world outside through the barred window. The sun is shining brightly, and the sounds of laughter and joy fill the air. It’s a day that should be filled with excitement, but instead, I feel a twinge of sadness in my heart.

I remember the first few birthdays I spent with my family. There were balloons, toys, and treats galore. I would wag my tail excitedly as everyone gathered around to sing to me, their faces lit with smiles. But those days are long gone. Now, I’m here, surrounded by other dogs who, like me, are waiting for their chance at a loving home.

As I lay down on my little blanket, I think about what could have been. What would it be like to be celebrated again? To have someone pat my head and tell me how special I am? I close my eyes and imagine a party with delicious treats and fun games. I picture a family that would love me, where I could feel safe and cherished.

Every now and then, someone walks by my kennel. I perk up, hoping for a kind word or a gentle touch, but they just keep walking. I can’t help but feel forgotten. My heart aches as I think of all the other dogs who are also waiting for a home. We all want to be loved and celebrated, not just on our birthdays, but every day.

Even though today feels lonely, I still hold onto hope. I know that somewhere out there, there’s someone who will see me and fall in love. Perhaps tomorrow will be different. Perhaps tomorrow I will hear the words, “Happy Birthday!” and feel the warmth of a loving hand.

For now, I’ll keep dreaming of that special day when I can finally celebrate my birthday surrounded by love. Until then, I will wait patiently, because every birthday deserves a little bit of hope.
