They discarded me without mercy, and happiness feels like something too difficult for me to reach

They discarded me without mercy. I still remember the day clearly, the moment they opened the car door and left me by the side of the road. I had no idea what was happening. One minute, I was wagging my tail, thinking I was going on another adventure, and the next, I was alone, staring at the fading shape of the car disappearing into the distance. I ran after it for as long as I could, but my legs grew tired, and the car was gone.

Days turned into weeks as I wandered the streets. Food was hard to find, and shelter was even harder. People would pass by without a glance, some would shoo me away, and others would look at me with pity but do nothing. I couldn’t understand why. What had I done wrong? I had tried my best to be a good dog, loyal and loving. But it seemed like no matter how hard I tried, happiness was something I could never grasp.

Every night, I would find a quiet corner to curl up in, trying to stay warm. My dreams were filled with memories of the home I once knew—soft blankets, gentle hands, and a family that, for a brief time, I thought loved me. But now those memories felt distant, like they belonged to another life, a life I could never return to.

Happiness seemed too far away for me. It was something I had once tasted but could no longer reach. I watched other dogs pass by, walking happily with their humans, and I wondered why I wasn’t good enough to deserve the same. Was it because I had grown older, or maybe because I wasn’t as playful anymore? These thoughts haunted me, but there was nothing I could do. I had no choice but to keep going, one step at a time, hoping—just hoping—that maybe one day, someone would see me, truly see me, and give me a chance to feel happiness again.

But until that day comes, I will continue wandering, searching for the love I lost, even if it feels like an impossible dream.
