The abused dog deserves to enjoy every moment of a healing bath


Ruddy Taurus arrived at a New York City shelter in November after being found abandoned in a plastic bucket in terrible health. He was nearly hairless, his skin ravaged by severe scars, possibly from battery acid burns and numerous cigarette burns.

Ruddy was unable to walk due to a broken front leg. To add to his already dire condition, he was suffering from undiagnosed Cushing’s disease.

The city shelter reached out to the Northeast branch of a rehabilitation center specializing in rescue animals with special needs for help. That’s when Rudy was saved by the center’s director, Courtney Bello. Though Courtney was experienced in caring for severely ill animals, Rudy broke her heart. She told The Huffington Post that Rudy’s front legs were so weak that she couldn’t bring herself to take photos of him.

Rudy was also emotionally devastated. “It’s incredible that this shattered young boy is still alive,” the organization posted on Facebook. “Despite being scared and completely on edge with human contact, Rudy has been nothing but a grateful love bug since the moment we rescued him.”

The one thing Rudy benefited from most was therapeutic baths.

The organization uploaded a video showing Rudy enjoying one of his spa treatments, designed to heal his skin and encourage the regrowth of his coat.

Thankfully, Rudy’s foster parents were veterinarians who could provide him with all the medical care he needed during his recovery. They also had a beautiful farm in New England, a place where Rudy’s spirit could heal, surrounded by love and tranquility.

His days were filled with companionship—from children, dogs, cats, and barn animals like Harold the Lamb.

“Rudy’s eyes are filled with love and optimism, and he has a way of stealing your heart the moment he looks at you,” Courtney told HuffPost. “He’s always loved affection and continues to thrive with it, as evident in his spa treatments. I’m incredibly grateful we could give him a life filled with kindness.”

And they continued showing him love until the very end.

In an update to the original story, it was revealed that Rudy recently passed away after complications from his spinal condition. His foster family made sure to give him as many healing baths as possible before his passing.

I’m so glad Rudy was able to spend his final months surrounded by love and affection.

To follow the incredible rescue work SN does, visit their Facebook page.

