This story chronicles the remarkable journey of Sally, a tiny dog who defied the odds to live a normal life. It’s a testament to the power of perseverance, both from Sally herself and the dedicated vet technician who wouldn’t give up on her.

That’s great, Bubble Puppy is now able to experience life in the real world
A fight for every breath
Kathryn, a vet technician, first encountered Sally when she was in critical condition. The breeder who surrendered her described the puppy as “blue,” a chilling term indicating severe difficulty breathing due to pneumonia. Recognizing Sally’s oxygen dependency, Kathryn placed her in a specialized oxygen chamber, essentially a bubble, to provide the crucial support her fragile lungs needed.
For weeks, Sally remained confined to this bubble, yearning for a normal life. She’d nudge the walls and peer out, yearning to play and explore. Kathryn, deeply touched by the spirited puppy’s determination, refused to let Sally’s limitations define her.

A fight for every breath
Breaking free, inch by inch
As Sally grew stronger, Kathryn and her team began venturing outside with her bubble in tow. This allowed Sally to see the world beyond the four walls of her confinement, even if only for short periods. However, leaving the bubble meant risking her health – outside, Sally could only survive for a mere 15 seconds without oxygen support.
Yet, Sally’s spirit remained unbroken. Her desire to explore the world fueled a daring decision. Kathryn started taking Sally on short, supervised breaks outside the bubble. Slowly, with each session, the time increased. This routine, along with the constant support of her oxygen chamber, worked wonders for Sally’s lungs. Over time, the 15-second window grew to a remarkable 3 minutes, a testament to the effectiveness of regular exercise and unwavering care.

Breaking free, inch by inch
A world beyond the bubble
One significant day arrived – Sally was finally outdoors! The sun warmed her fur as she playfully explored the grass. While her lungs wouldn’t allow for extended periods outside, it was a small but meaningful victory. Even more remarkable, Sally’s progress meant she could now freely enter and leave her bubble, a stark contrast to her initial confinement.
One day, however, Sally made a bold statement. She simply refused to return to her bubble after Kathryn briefly placed her inside for safety reasons. This defiance, however joyful, served as a powerful reminder that Sally was no longer the fragile puppy she once was.

A world beyond the bubble
A happy ending for a determined dog
Kathryn’s colleague, Bonnie, who had witnessed Sally’s journey firsthand, stepped forward to adopt the spirited dog. Soon, Sally found herself in a loving home with new siblings to play with. Gone were the days of limited breaths and the confines of the bubble. Sally experienced the joys of a normal dog’s life: walks in the park, splashing in the pool, and the simple pleasure of choosing her own toys. This once critically ill puppy had blossomed into a healthy, happy dog, a testament to her fierce spirit and the unwavering care she received.