One crisp morning at San Marcos High School in Texas, Yolanda, a dedicated teacher, arrived at work, blissfully unaware that her day was about to take a surprising turn. As she approached the school, five tiny puppies emerged unexpectedly, scampering towards her with innocent, pleading eyes. These malnourished little creatures clearly needed immediate help and care. Yolanda, moved by their desperate situation, quickly sought assistance from her colleague, Belinda Peña, the senior administrative assistant.

Puppies Left Outside School with a Note Taped to the Box
Discovering the Abandoned Puppies
Belinda Peña, upon stepping outside to investigate the commotion, noticed a cardboard box nearby. The sight of the box, along with the hungry puppies emerging from it, confirmed the heartbreaking truth—the pups had been abandoned. On the side of the box was a note that read: “Dog shelter didn’t want them. We can’t take care of them. The original owner wanted to throw them away. I’m sure you can do something. I’m sorry.” This note added a layer of sadness to the already distressing situation, highlighting the urgent need for the puppies’ rescue.

Discovering the Abandoned Puppies
Taking Action to Care for the Puppies
Determined to help the abandoned puppies, the teachers and staff sprang into action. Despite the summer heat, they ensured the puppies had water to cool off and provided them with immediate attention and affection. The staff’s quick response was crucial, as it was the off-season and there were fewer personnel available. “If not, who knows what would have happened?” Peña later reflected. As they waited for animal control to arrive, the staff enjoyed playing with the lively puppies, who, despite their ordeal, were full of energy and charm. “They were the cutest things. They had big old ears … Just happy little puppies,” Peña added.

Taking Action to Care for the Puppies
A New Beginning for the Puppies
Among the teachers, one could not resist the chance to adopt a puppy on the spot. Meanwhile, school counselor Kay Lynn Dodd was particularly touched by the remaining four pups. When the animal control officer arrived to collect the puppies, Dodd felt a pang of reluctance. “The officer was like, ‘Well, it is the end of the day, I can’t guarantee somebody’s going to be able to be there at the shelter to intake them.’ And I [was] like, ‘I can’t have that on my conscience,’” Dodd recalled. Driven by compassion, Dodd decided to foster the four puppies herself, dedicating her time to shower them with love and prepare them for adoption.

A New Beginning for the Puppies
Under Dodd’s nurturing care, the puppies flourished, relishing the affection and attention they received in their temporary home. The bond formed with their foster mom was evident, as the puppies showered Dodd with gratitude and affection. While they enjoyed their time with her, they eagerly anticipated finding their forever families. Thanks to Dodd’s selfless commitment, these puppies were given a second chance at life, and it’s heartening to know they are on their way to finding loving homes.