oday is my birthday, but everything is not perfect, I can only pray

Today is my birthday, but everything is not perfect. I can only pray.

My name is Feng, a white dog who once loved to run freely through the fields, chasing butterflies and feeling the wind rush through my fur. My family always celebrated my birthday with special treats and extra playtime. But today, everything is different.

The day started like any other. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. I was excited, expecting a day filled with joy and love. But fate had other plans. As I chased a ball thrown by my beloved human, I didn’t notice the speeding car until it was too late. The impact was sudden and excruciating, and my world went dark.

When I woke up, I was in a strange place with bright lights and unfamiliar smells. My family was there, their faces filled with worry and sadness. I tried to move, but my legs wouldn’t respond. The vet explained that my spine was injured and I would never walk again. My heart sank. How could this happen on my birthday, a day meant for celebration?

Days turned into weeks as I lay there, unable to understand why this had happened. The once vibrant world seemed dull and oppressive. But my family never gave up on me. They brought me a special wheelchair, designed to help me move again. At first, it felt strange and uncomfortable, but slowly, with their encouragement and love, I learned to use it.

Today, as I look out the window at the fields I once roamed freely, I feel a mixture of gratitude and longing. Gratitude for the second chance my family has given me, and longing for the life I had before. I can no longer run as I used to, but I can still feel the wind on my face and the warmth of the sun.

Despite everything, today is my birthday, and I can only pray. I pray for strength to adapt to this new life, for the courage to keep moving forward, and for the love of my family to sustain me. My journey is different now, but it is not over. And as long as I have them by my side, I know I can face whatever comes next.
