I tried not to cry on my 12th birthday. But I couldn’t…

I tried not to cry on my 12th birthday. But I couldn’t…

My name is Feng, a white dog who has seen many seasons come and go, and today is my 12th birthday. For most of my life, birthdays have been filled with joy, treats, and the warm embrace of my family. But this year is different. This year, I feel a deep sadness that I can’t shake off.

As the day began, I lay in my bed, hoping for the familiar sounds of celebration to fill the house. I waited for the cheerful voices of my family, the smell of my favorite treats baking, and the playful pats on my head. But the house was eerily quiet, and my heart sank.

I tried to stay strong, to hold back the tears. I wandered around the house, looking for any sign that today was special. I found my family busy with their own lives, barely acknowledging my presence. They seemed to have forgotten that today was my birthday. The realization hit me like a cold gust of wind, and I felt a lump in my throat.

I tried not to cry on my 12th birthday. But I couldn’t…

The memories of past birthdays flooded my mind. The times when my family would gather around, singing and laughing, making me feel like the most loved dog in the world. Those moments now seemed like distant dreams, fading away with each passing minute.

I found a quiet corner and lay down, trying to hold back the tears. But the sadness was too overwhelming. I felt old and forgotten, as if my best years were behind me. The pain in my heart was too much to bear, and I couldn’t help but cry.

In the silence of my tears, I prayed for the love and happiness that once filled my life to return. I longed for the warmth of my family’s affection, for the simple joy of being cherished. As the sun set on this lonely day, I realized that even though my family may have forgotten, my love for them remained strong.

I tried not to cry on my 12th birthday. But I couldn’t… Because the love I have for my family is too deep, and the memories of happier times are too precious. And so, I will hold on to the hope that one day, they will remember the joy we shared and bring back the light to my life. Until then, I will keep loving them with all my heart, because that is what I do best.
