In early 2020, a dramatic rescue unfolded at Mee Canyon, Colorado, showcasing the extraordinary lengths to which individuals will go to save both human and...
Sanctuary’s Journey: From Abandoned Pup to Beloved Companion In the cold of a February night in 2022, three six-week-old Pit Bull puppies were found discarded...
When Hope For Paws received a distress call about two dogs abandoned in the harsh desert landscape near the California-Arizona-Nevada border, they knew they had...
Dogs who have spent their lives on the streets often face immense challenges in adjusting to human contact. Even puppies, who are typically more open...
Every time someone purchases products from the iHeartDogs store, part of the profits go directly to Greater Good Charities. These donations provide essential supplies for...
[caption id="attachment_4975" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Driver Finds Three Babies Living in a Pipe in the Middle of Nowhere[/caption] Rescuing Abandoned Dogs: A Community’s Effort to Save...
[caption id="attachment_4967" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Dog Left Behind With Her Stuff, Clueless About Her Family's Whereabouts[/caption] A Heartbreaking Scene in Los Angeles The day began like...
[caption id="attachment_4958" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Believe it Neglected Ripley was left tied up outside a St. Louis rescue[/caption] A Troubling Discovery On a Thursday morning, the...