A dog tethered to a pole extends its paw to the policeman who has arrived to rescue it

In a sweltering Florida day, Officer Angela Laurella encountered a sight that would change the life of a small dog named Liam. Two dogs were found tied to utility poles in Pompano, Florida, with no witnesses or cameras to shed light on their abandonment. The scorching heat, exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, demanded immediate action.

A dog tethered to a pole extends its paw to the policeman who has arrived to rescue it

A dog tethered to a pole extends its paw to the policeman who has arrived to rescue it

Officer Laurella to the rescue the unlucky dog

Upon approaching the scene, Officer Laurella discovered a frail gray dog clinging desperately to a pole. This dog, later identified as Liam, was so weak that the short leash rendered him immobile. Amy Roman, president of 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades, described Liam’s condition: “He was terribly underweight and dehydrated, and every rib and bone protruded.”

Despite his ordeal, Liam mustered the strength to reach out. As Officer Laurella approached cautiously, Liam extended a paw in a gesture that seemed to plead for help. Roman explained how Liam “shrinked and extended his paw when she walked up to him quietly,” a clear expression of his desire to be freed. Recognizing Liam’s vulnerability and the overwhelmed state of animal shelters, Officer Laurella sought assistance from 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades.

Officer Laurella to the rescue the unlucky dog

Officer Laurella to the rescue the unlucky dog

From emaciated to energetic: Liam’s road to recovery

Liam, a 17-pound pocket bulldog, was welcomed by Roman despite the overflowing capacity of the rescue. After multiple vet visits, Liam began his journey back to health at Roman’s home. Slowly but surely, his strength returned, and his appetite improved significantly. Roman described Liam’s current state: “He gets so much love all the time… He’s having a great time” with his hourly feedings and the delicious concoction of boiled chicken and rice prepared by volunteers.

Liam’s recovery is ongoing, with continued vet appointments on the horizon. However, his spirit remains undeterred. Roman emphasizes Liam’s joyful nature: “He loves everyone, and this dog doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.” This loving disposition, despite his past trauma, speaks volumes about Liam’s character.

From emaciated to energetic: Liam's road to recovery

From emaciated to energetic: Liam’s road to recovery

Lessons learned: A second chance for all

Liam’s story is not unique. With shelters overflowing, many pets in Florida, and across the country, face abandonment or surrender. Roman encourages pet owners facing difficulties to seek help from shelters and rescues before giving up on their furry companions. Liam embodies the value of a second chance. Even after his ordeal, Liam continues to reach out, demonstrating his readiness for a loving forever home.

Lessons learned: A second chance for all

Lessons learned: A second chance for all

Roman concludes with a powerful message: “I think dogs like Liam may teach humanity some very important truths. Your faith is just restored.” Liam’s resilience and capacity for love serve as a reminder of the importance of compassion and the second chances we can offer to animals in need.
