Today is my birthday, but I’m sick

Today is Milo’s birthday. It was supposed to be a day filled with joy, playtime, and treats, but instead, the little dog lay curled up on his bed, feeling too weak to enjoy any of it. His golden fur, which normally shone in the sunlight, seemed dull, and his usual bright eyes were tired. Milo had fallen ill a few days before, and while his family tried to make the day special, it wasn’t the celebration they had planned.

Balloons decorated the living room, and a small cake with a candle sat on the table. Milo’s favorite toys were scattered around, but none of them sparked his interest. He was too sick to play fetch or chase after his squeaky ball, which he loved. His stomach ached, and the fever made it hard for him to even wag his tail.

His family sat beside him, whispering kind words and stroking his fur gently, but Milo could sense their worry. They had hoped to take him to the park, to watch him run and chase butterflies like he always did on his birthday, but all of that had to wait. Instead, they spent the day making sure he was comfortable, offering him water and soft words.

Milo’s birthday wish wasn’t for toys or treats this time. As he lay there, he wished only to feel better, to have the strength to run again, and to chase the wind like he used to. He didn’t understand why he felt so unwell, but he trusted that his family would stay by his side until he was better.

Even though this birthday wasn’t filled with excitement and fun, it was filled with love. His family, worried and caring, showed him that sometimes, the most important gift isn’t a present or a game — it’s the people (and pets) who stay with you, no matter how you feel.

Milo’s tired eyes closed as he drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth of his family, hoping that tomorrow would bring a brighter, healthier day.
